Umm...Complex's description is pretty sweet so I'll just use theirs. I was kinda iffy on if I liked A$AP Rocky or not. I thought he was cool just didn't know what to feel about him. This video for some reason makes me respect him a little more. Big up to Jeremy Scott and Complex for this, though.
"Style defines culture. Our people define style." What better way to sum up Complex's February/March 2012 issue, starring style kings A$AP Rocky and Jeremy Scott? Hip-hop's hottest rookie has been rocking Jeremy's outrageous designs for years, before LIVE.LOVE.A$AP and that infamous $3 million deal brought his Harlem Mob to the forefront of NYC rap. And while Jeremy is no stranger to hip-hop's flashiest stars, it's good to see the veteran fashion icon is still embracing the new generation with open arms.