I met Jonny a few years ago when some guys I was going into business with came down to meet with me. We discussed signing them to a distribution deal. I set up a show for them that night so I could check out the live show. The promoter goofed and Jonny, who was supposed to go on EARLY ended up not going on til LAST. So last that he and his dude were the only people in the room because the bouncer decided to shut the club down early and kicked all of us out. He was cussing us out and SCREAMING and shoving people out while these guys were on stage. So while I was talking this guy down I was listening to this amazing voice come from the other room. I stayed out in the snow talking to this guy because I felt he had "it".
We stayed in touch and a few years later...here is "From the Top of My Soapbox". This is such a powerful EP from singer/songerwriter, Jonny Avalon. It's a positive album. The common theme could be believe in yourself, don't give up...but also to Have Fun! I'm proud of this album and where he can go with it. I hope you enjoy the album, too and PLEASE Support him.
Stream below and if you like it buy it on iTunes - Amazon - GooglePlay or wherever music is consumed. If you can't spend $6 then just stream from the youtube link below or Spotify.
& shout out to King Ice who has the illest chains