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Neon Artery is TOO Funky! OMG


So I'm executive producing a movie (story for another post) and I've been going through playlists. By genre, by mood, anything. I eventually stumbled upon this horrorwave playlist which lead me to synthwave. I had it on while I went on a long walk around the neighborhood the other day to get some fresh air and this song came on and I felt like...damn, this is too funky.


YO, this is INSANE. Like this makes me want to be in a montage then whip through an abandoned city at night in a lamborghini on my way to rescue a woman from a hoard of zombies and an evil villain after everyone thought I was dead. Like bad-ass retro, cheesy line-saying fresh shit.

The change up at 1:20 is wild.

Found out Sung is a Korean dude in Paris. Killed it with this.

Listen below. Support the dude. 

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